Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm not talking about the kind you get from a microphone!

Remember what mom used to tell us. No news is good news! This statement has had more impact on me than I had thought. How many of us really believe this statement. If you don't hear ANYTHING from your spouse. From your boss. From your kids. From the lottery. That is good news. Maybe even great news. Thank goodness I didn't hear from them! Isn't that crazy. And why did mom tells us this? I think it's because she was covering for dad. Not just my dad, but all dads. Normally Dad's don't bring the positive feedback so our mom's came up with this phrase.

There are three types of feedback.
1. Positive
2. Negative
3. None

Feedback. Here is what I know about it. It needs to be sincere. It needs to be specific. It needs to be soon. Hundreds of studies have been conducted to see how we humans respond to positive feedback. By positive I mean you have done a really good job doing something. You got dirty. You persevered. You stuck with it. You wrestled with the situation and brought home victory. I think you get the picture. One study in particular stands out to me. They took a group of volunteers and placed electrodes to the heads to measure brain activity. They then took them to Vegas. When a participant would win a large amount of money, the brain meter, that is what I call it, went off the chart. Now the task of seeing what other activities would compare to this spike on the brain meter. Guess what. A well placed, sincere, timely piece of feedback! The brain meter goes wild.

We also know for feedback to feel balanced. Meaning getting the at-a-boy's, versus the butt chewing feels equal. There needs to be at least 4 positive, catching them doing something right, compared to 1 negative. That's 4:1 to feel equal. Now open the balance book in your mind and do some quick math. Think about your spouse. Kids. Employees. Friends. How close are you to this 4:1. Are you more like 1 positive and 19 negatives for your oldest son! How many times have you said NOTHING.

Positive feedback is just about seeing someone doing the right behaviors and letting them know you appreciate it. When you do it, you will see the brain meter clanging. Negative feedback is when someone is just a doing it, but not how you would like them to do it. Most people I've met will say, " If I'm not doing it right. Just tell me." I believe them. When you are really clear on your expectations, you set yourself up for giving better feedback. The worst place to be is having completed a project. Looking at those in authority. Waiting. Waiting. Did they see what I did? Did I do it right? Nothing. The brain meter is silent. Then I can hear a slight little beep on the brain meter. Someone just remembered mom saying, "No news is good news."

"Feedback is the breakfast of champions." - Ken Blanchard

Rock someone's brain meter today. Give them some much needed feedback. It will be like you just handed them a large sack of cash!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You are the most nearly perfect person I know.