Thursday, January 7, 2010


What is it like for those who come in contact with YOU?

Really. Take a moment and ponder this. The interactions you had yesterday, the ones you will have today, and the ones you will have tomorrow. Are they better or worse for having YOU come through their life? Dr. Henry Cloud talks about this in his book, "Integrity". We all leave a wake. You can tell a lot about a ship from it's wake. The speed. The direction. The expertise of the captain. Is the course random and awkward or is it sure and steady. The same is true about your wake.

Did you take a moment to look behind you yet. Do it. Turn around and picture your wake. What's it like back there? Is it beautiful and steady like the picture on the left? Are co-workers, friends, and family back there having a blast skiing in your wake. Or is it massive destruction? People drowning? Friends and family unsure of your next turn? Random and awkward?

"After you go by, how's your wake? The wake is the results we leave behind. And the wake doesn't lie and it doesn't care about excuses!" - Dr. Henry Cloud

It's time to turn back around. Take one more look. Take a picture. Remember what it looks like. Turn back around.

Let me remind you who you are. YOU are the captain. You control the speed, direction, the course. Be on purpose with your decisions today. Think about those who are behind YOU.


Lena said...

Very inspirational. Maybe that was exactly what I needed today :)

Unknown said...

The thought that keeps coming to my mind is the wake that one leaves seems to be incredibly tied to the kind of boat they are in. My boat comes in contact with a fairly large number of people and it’s generally not under ideal situations or circumstances. I have the, at times, unfortunate task of causing large waves in the lives of some to calm the waves in the lives of others. My wake does cause massive destruction but I don’t think it’s due to how I pilot my boat but rather the kind of boat I pilot.